Monday, December 8, 2014

Red Cross receives more than $12,500 from Rosland Capital campaign

Rosland Capital's campaign for the Red Cross during the month of October has netted more than $12,500 in funds for the Red Cross. The funds will have an emphasis in the areas of armed services and veterans.

Rosland Capital donated $1 for every silver peace dollar it sold during October.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Red Cross Teams up with Rosland Capital

The American Red Cross is working with Rosland Capital in the month of October! Rosland will donate $1 to the Red Cross for every Peace Dollar Silver Coin that they sell.

The Peace Dollar was minted from 1921 to 1928 and then again in 1934 and 1935. The Pittman Act of 1918 required in part that the United States strike millions of silver dollars. The U.S. Mint started with the Morgan Dollar; however, numismatists petitioned the government to issue a coin symbolic of peace following World War I. Anthony de Francisci was one of eight prominent sculptors invited to take part in a contest to design the Peace Dollar. He won after using his wife as a model to depict Lady Liberty.

The American Red Cross was the ideal partner for our organization,” Rosland Capital CEO Marin Aleksov said. “Rosland Capital is deeply committed to helping active military and veterans nationally and in the local Santa Monica community, and Red Cross’ services in these areas are unmatched.”
Read more about Rosland Capital's Partnership with the American Red Cross.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rosland Capital Airs Newest Commercials

Rosland Capital this month aired its newest round of television commercials starring "24" actor William Devane. Devane lays out the benefits of buying gold and silver to diversify your wealth.

Intermedia Advertising shot the commercials and you can read about their experience with Rosland Capital here.

To view the commercials, visit the Rosland Capital YouTube channel.